What is the TCRC?

The Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation (TCRC) was created to decide claims made against the Travel Consumer Restitution Fund, which serves consumers located in California who suffer losses as a result of the bankruptcy, cessation of operations, insolvency, or material failure of a seller of travel to provide the transportation or travel services contracted.


STOP! If you are an existing member of TCRC, DO NOT create a new User or Participant record. Please use the Sign In button above in the right hand corner.

If you need assistance logging into your account, please call our office at (530) 809-4220 or email at info@tcrcinfo.org. Otherwise please create a User account to become a New Participant.

File a Claim

If you are a consumer and would like to file a claim with the TCRC regarding a California Seller of Travel, get started here.


The TCRC is a Private Corporation governed by the Seller of Travel Law. It is not a government agency or an insurance company. It is not associated with or controlled by any seller of travel, and it does not represent any seller of travel.